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Lasik is one of the most commonly used methods in the treatment of focusing errors today. This method is suitable for patients who are over 18 years old and who have not changed their glasses prescription in the last year. In order for Lasik treatment to be applied, the refractive errors in the eye and the eye structure must be suitable for this method. For this reason, before LASIK treatment, all patients undergo a detailed eye examination and the corneal layer is examined in detail. With today's technology, up to 10 degrees of myopia, up to 6 degrees of hyperopia and astigmatism can be treated with the Lasik method.

Lasik, kırma kusuru bulunan göz kusurlarının tedavi edilmesinde en sık başvurulan lazer tedavi yöntemidir. Bu yönteme kısaltmış olarak “lasik” denmektedir. Lasik başta ülkemiz olmak üzere tüm dünyada çok yaygın bir biçimde kullanılmaktadır. 10 yılı aşkın bir süredir bu uygulama ciddi anlamda kullanılmakta ve hastaların iyileşmesini sağlamaktadır. Günümüzde Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde her sene yaklaşık olarak 600 bin kadar hastaya Lasik tedavisi uygulanmaktadır. Türkiye’de ise bu sayı resmi olmamakla birlikte 30 bin civarındadır.


Lasik treatment cannot be applied to people with certain conditions. These are listed as follows:

  • Those under 18

  • People with keratoconus

  • Those who have a structural defect in the corneal structure

  • Those whose corneal thickness is below a certain limit

  • Those who suffer from severe dry eyes

  • diabetic patients

  • Those with rheumatic diseases

  • pregnant women

  • breastfeeding women

  • Those with eye conditions such as cataracts, infections and glaucoma


Before Lasik treatment, specialist doctors perform an examination to determine whether the patient is suitable for this treatment. After this eye examination, tests are performed and the situation is evaluated. Afterwards, if the patient is suitable, he is informed about the surgery and an appointment is made. On the appointment day, the patient is checked again and taken to the laser room. First of all, the transparent layer in the eye is anesthetized with drops and the thin layer is removed with a laser called "intralase". Although the patient feels pressure on his eye during this procedure, he does not feel any pain. However, the patient is then told to look at the red light and thus the Lasik treatment begins. Since the eye-tracker system in the device can follow the eye even if the patient moves his eye, there will be no disruption in the treatment. After these procedures are completed, the patient is given protective goggles for one night. The patient can easily return to his daily life the next day.


Lasik surgery procedure is painless. However, a slight pain may be felt after the surgery. The doctor may prescribe painkillers to reduce pain. However, the eyes may experience burning, stinging and watering for 2 hours after the laser. After Lasik, there may be redness in the white of the eye. This redness occurs to different degrees in everyone and disappears completely after about 15 days. Normal activities can usually be performed easily within a few days after surgery. Apart from this, full clarity in eye vision may take up to 6 weeks. Of course, this may take longer in some patients. Patients should use cortisone and antibiotic drops prescribed by the doctor after Lasik treatment. Apart from this, artificial tears can also be used for a short time.

One of the issues that patients are most curious about is how long it will take for them to return to work after treatment. Experts generally recommend taking 1 week off for the healing process. This period should be used, especially if the working environment is dusty and unhygienic. However, if it is a hygienic office environment, it is possible to return to work immediately after the surgery.

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