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What is an intraocular lens?

intraocular lenses

Günümüzde sıklıkla kullanılan tedavi yöntemlerinden birisi de göz içi lenslerdir. Ana kırma kusurları olan insanlarda bu hastalıkların dereceleri bazı durumlarda çok yüksek olmaktadır. Bu hastaların bazıları da lazer tedavisine uygun olmaz. İşte bu gibi durumlar için farklı birçok teknik geliştirilmiştir. Bu tekniklerden birisi de göz içi lens kullanımıdır. Göz içi lenslerin en büyük avantajlarından birisi tedavinin geri dönüştürülebilir olmasıdır. Yani herhangi bir risk ya da memnuniyetsizlik durumunda lensler çıkarılabilmektedir.


In people for whom the effect of laser surgery is limited

In myopia higher than 7 degrees

In hyperopia greater than 3 degrees

It can be applied in cases of astigmatism higher than 3 degrees.


Patients can benefit from the operation after a detailed examination by the specialist doctor and the necessary tests. During the operation, an incision smaller than 3 mm is made in the eye and the entry is made through this incision. The membrane of the lens is removed from the eye in a round shape. Then, the lens in the eye is liquefied and suctioned with the help of a device that emits ultrasound waves. After this step, a new foldable eye lens is placed instead of the lens. Immediately after the lens is inserted through the incision, it takes its normal shape with body temperature and adapts to the eye.

In this treatment method, the lens inside the eye is removed and replaced with another lens. Some of the rings in this lens allow you to see far and some to see near. Vision reaches normal levels within 1-2 days after the surgery. Of course, this may vary from person to person.


After intraocular lens surgery, the patient must wear protective glasses on the day of surgery. The patient does not need to stay in the hospital after the surgery. If no edema occurs in the cornea, vision returns to normal the next day. The doctor will give the patient antibiotic and cortisone eye drops after the surgery. You must use these drops in accordance with the plan given to you by the doctor. Routine checks are performed after the surgery. These checks are on the 1st day, 1st week, 1st month and 3rd month after surgery. However, the physician may also change the frequency and duration.


  • This surgery method has been used for approximately 15 years.

  • Its use around the world is increasing day by day and its success rate is high.

  • It is the only FDA-approved lens and membrane system.

  • It has been developed to cause minimal damage to eye structures.

  • It achieves perfect harmony with the eyes and body.

  • It is very thin and delicate so it fits the eyes easily.

  • It is a reversible method. Its effect is not permanent, it can be removed in case of any risk.

  • Since the cornea is not touched in the method, there is no dryness in the eye.

  • Vision recovery after surgery occurs in 1 day.

  • Local anesthesia is applied during the surgery.

  • It does not shine in the cosmetic sense. So it is not noticeable.

  • It can cure all kinds of eye defects.

  • Since it does not require intervention to eye tissues, the natural structure is not disrupted.

  • The cells of the cornea are protected.


The following problems may occur after intraocular lens surgery:

Number remaining in the eye: In such problems, the number in the eye can be reset with the excimer laser method.

Corneal edema: Corneal edema may occur. This is a problem that can be resolved with the drops prescribed by the doctor.

Glaucoma: It is a problem that can be seen in all intraocular surgeries. This problem causes eye pain. However, this problem also goes away with the drops given by the doctor. In very rare cases, a second intervention may be required.

Cataract: If there is contact with the natural lens during surgery, cataract development may begin. In rare cases, cataract surgery may be necessary.

Eye infection: Although rare, serious infections may occur in intraocular surgeries. Early intervention is essential.

Bleeding: Bleeding may occur in the iris tissue. It is a condition that can be easily controlled.

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